
DinoDent offers normal white fillings as well as Kids-e-Crown® on decayed teeth for a more aesthetic pleasing result.

Kids-e-crown® are the first pre-formed smart paediatric crown in the world. It was designed by a paediatric dentist who drew on dentists’ perspectives and clinical experience worldwide. Kids-e-crown® is a patented, research-based product that is made using the best technologies available. They’re anatomically correct, thinner, biocompatible, and long-lasting. It can be distressing to know that a child has severe tooth decay and need crowns. However, knowing that the child’s teeth can be restored with natural-looking, biocompatible, state-of-the-art zirconia crowns will set your mind at ease.



Dr. Amanda Marais MSc Peadiatric Dentistry


14 Helderberg St Stuart’s Hill Somerset West 7130

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday, 08h30 - 16h30
Friday, 08h30 - 16h00

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